the main problem with this is that the conterols for going up and down can be forrgotten often. The idea is not too new because there are books and other things containing extremely similar puzzles but it is still an awesome idea
putting this aside the game always used its feature point that is good
it was nice and complex and made you think on many levels (lol)
but you went a bit crazy on lvl 10 and i know crazy but still good
A sequel with a difference in colour and a way of getting around the easy to forget controls would be awesome and could get even better reveiws
ps if a sequel is made different levels of difficulty (lol) could be provided so that people dont start to rely on luck.
pps the people who buy books with this kind of maze genrally have an obsession with them so the option to print out all of the level's level's (lol) so that they could be cut out and played on the floor would add extra value to the game for them.